
Month: <span>December 2023</span>

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Looking for a Jotform alternative? Check out mevo

Jotform is a well-known tool for creating online forms and collecting submissions from people. Even if it has handy features,…

Looking for a Google Forms alternative? Check out mevo

Google Forms is a well-known tool for creating online forms and collecting submissions from people. Even if it has handy…

December 2023 Update: Popup and Page Customization, Localization Options, and more.

For a long time, many of our users have been stating that they need more customization options for chatbot pages…

Looking for a Landbot.io Alternative? Check Out Mevo

As the digital landscape evolves, so does the need for more dynamic and versatile chatbot solutions. Mevo emerges as a…

Looking for a Collect.chat Alternative? Check Out Mevo

Are you looking for a collect.chat alternative? Get more for the same price with mevo. While Collect.chat offers a straightforward…

Looking for an Answerly Alternative? Check Out Mevo

If you’re exploring options beyond Answerly for your chatbot needs, Mevo presents a compelling choice. Unlike Answerly, which focuses on…

Looking for a Chatwith Alternative? Check out Mevo

If you’re seeking a versatile chatbot solution beyond Chatwith’s offerings, Mevo is an excellent alternative. While Chatwith focuses on integrating…

Looking for a Chatbase Alternative? Check out Mevo

Are you looking for an alternative to Chatbase? Check out mevo, an end-to-end chatbot builder that offers both AI-powered and…

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